Sunday, March 1, 2020
Using the Spanish Preposition Entre
Using the Spanish Preposition Entre The Spanish preposition entre usually means between or among, and it is used more broadly than its English counterparts. Entre can be used as an adverbial phrase meaning, among themselves, or in figurative, idiomatic expressions. Also, entre differs from most Spanish prepositions in that it is typically complemented by the subject pronouns yo and tà º rather than the usual object pronouns. The correct way to say between you and me, is to say entre tà º y yo instead of entre ti y mà  as might usually be the case with other Spanish prepositions. Do not confuse the conjugated verb entre, derived from entrar, which is the word meaning to enter, with the preposition entre, they are not the same. Using Entre to Mean Between or Among Entre can be used as an exact equivalent of the English words between or among. Or, in some cases, entre is not a direct literal translation to the English words between or among, but can have a similar meaning that can be understood. Spanish Sentence English Translation Muy pronto los robots estarn entre nosotros. Very soon, the robots will be among us. Un total de seis pasajeros entre ellos mujeres y nià ±os ya salieron. A total of six passengers, among them women and children, already left. No hay buenas relaciones entre la escuela y la comunidad. There are not good relations between the school and the community. Estamos entre los europeos menos xenà ³fobos. We are among the less xenophobic Europeans. Entre las clases difà ciles y la falta de sueà ±o, no puedo hacer ejercicio. Between the difficult classes and the lack of sleep, I can't exercise. Entre la muchedumbre se encontraba un terrorista. A terrorist was found in the crowd. Se pierden entre la nieve. They got lost in the snow. Entre la lluvia, vio las ventanas cerradas. She saw the windows closed in the rain. Using Entre Sà as a Phrase Meaning Among Themselves Entre sà can be used as an adverbial phrase to mean among themselves, mutually, or with each other. Spanish Sentence English Translation Los periodistas compiten entre sà . The journalists compete among each other. Ellos se aman entre sà como una madre y un hijo. They love each other like mother and son. Cuando la obsidiana se rompe y sus fragmentos se golpean entre sà , su sonido es muy peculiar. When obsidian breaks and its fragments hit each other, its sound is very unusual. Idiomatic Expressions Using Entre Spanish idioms are figurative words or expressions that cannot be completely understood solely from the words used. Attempting to translate a Spanish idiom word-for-word will result in confusion. Entre has several idioms that might be best understood if remembered or memorized. Spanish Phrase or Sentence English Translation estar entre la vida y la muerte to be fighting for one's life Entre tanto, las dimensiones econà ³micas han comenzado a tomar forma. Meanwhile, the economic dimension have begun to take shape. Entre semana, el servicio de autobuses empieza a las 05:45. Weekdays [during the week], bus service begins at 5:45 a.m.
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